Become prepared to be an effective mental health counselor working with diverse populations and across the lifespan. At Marymount University, we can help you develop your passion for providing behavioral mental health at the next level through graduate programs that offer a balance of well-rounded theory focused on treating the whole person with supervised clinical experiences.
Counseling, MA
Prepare to work with clients who experience developmental, situational, and existential mental health issues. Develop a solid approach to individual, family, and group counseling, client assessments and diagnostics, treatment plans and more. Take advantage of a strong clinical program that will prepare you to meet residency requirements towards becoming a licensed professional counselor (LPC).
Counseling, PhD
Aspire to have an impact on the growth and performance of counseling professionals? Bridge your aspirations with the next level of your career through the Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision. Prepare to cultivate expertise in counseling professionals as an educator or supervisor, all while you earn your degree through a flexible, 100% online degree program.
Enhance your educational journey by adding a graduate certificate, tailored to your goals. Consult with your Admissions team contact to discuss integration options.

Marymount University emphasizes intellectual curiosity, service to others, and a global perspective. A Marymount education is grounded in the liberal arts, promotes career preparation, and provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. REQUEST INFOWHY MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY?

Commitment to Quality

Convenient Online Curriculum


Real-World Learning
Ready to pursue your career-focused program at Marymount University?
We’re excited to give you the tools you need to build the future you want.